Datasets For Education

Datasets are kind of like the bricks to an AI model. They provide shape, form and structure. Put simply, they are examples of what you want the AI conversations to look like. Datasets for Education is a new, open (as in everything produced will be released MIT Open-Source) initiative to: This isn’t a task that […]

Reports by

With all the buzz around ChatGPT, naturally, there has been much conversation (and consternation) around the impact it will have on education. Being tech-curious, and a writer/English teacher turned coder and developer, language models are an inherently interesting concept to me. However, one question I had was as to their reliability. It’s great at composing […]

To automate or not to automate?

GPTs are taking the world by storm, and while ChatGPT has been amazing to play with, I wanted to go further and see what it could look like embedded in an actual workflow and context. Recently, I soft-launched a beta report card writing solution for ManageBac. It will read your report card grades, pseudonymize the […]